Friday, January 18, 2008


If we need to retire one word at the end of 2008, it is the word change. There is not a single candidate, on either side of the political fence, who is not chanting this word as the mantra of their campaign.


Only the most painfully of the uniformed out there would deny that this country and our politics needs to change. However, there is more to change then just saying the word. The reality is that we need deeds, not words, if we want to turn our political situation around.

While Senator Obama is very good at using the rhetorical rhythm of the southern minister to make the listener (myself included) feel as if they are part of history, real change is more than that. Collectively we need to make history, not just choose to be a part of it. In the end, if we want change to happen, and I think I am ripping off Ghandi here, we have to be the change that we want to see happen. For me, this means we should all be a little nicer. Maybe we should try to exercise some patience.

Maybe we should just try to exercise something.

How about buying blue instead of selling out red? Try believing in real organic and, dare I say it, localized, organic foods. This means not buying into the super store routine of selling "organic" Kraft Mac and Cheese, but stopping and thinking about the choices we make.

You know, upon reflection, I was wrong. We don't need change in this country. We need a permanent revolution coupled with a reinvigoration of our connection to each other and to the planet.

Anyway, as always,
Without Dr. Evil there can be no good....

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